successful African american student

Career Readiness

不伦瑞克社区学院继续教育和劳动力发展提供各种职业准备课程,旨在满足雇主和求职者的需求. Courses cover human resources, computing, budgeting and finance, resume and interviewing skills, and more. 要注册,请点击在线注册按钮,然后在搜索字段中输入课程名称.

欲了解更多信息或咨询其他行业课程, contact the OneStop Center at

QuickBooks for Beginners

专为初学者与很少或没有知识的程序. 参与者将学习如何建立公司,浏览
program, use lists, pay bills, invoice customers, reconcile bank accounts, and accounts for credit cards. Student should have basic
computer skills. Bring USB Memory Stick to first class. You must register 4 business days prior to start date.

Human Service Exploration: DSS

本课程旨在为社会服务机构部门的收入维持个案工作者提供就业技能培训和职业探索的技能和策略. 本课程与HSE 3220收入维持个案工作者- NC FAST相关联. Fee waiver may apply.

Income Maintenance Case Worker

本课程旨在涵盖与收入维持社会工作者角色相关的各种技能,以确定服务资格. 具体的重点将包括熟练使用NCFAST应用程序. Other topics will include skills in communication, interviewing, time management, data gathering/compiling, and data analysis. Prerequisite: HRD-4000 Into to Human Services: DSS.

Veterinary Assistant

本课程使你有机会获得兽医术语方面的知识, anatomy and physiology, animal behavior
以及沟通,梳理技巧和正确处理动物. Topics will include obtaining and collecting specimens, emergency care, medical charts and office management techniques. 学生将有机会学习宠物心肺复苏术和急救. 本课程为学生作为兽医助理的入门级就业做好准备.

I Have an Interview. Now What?

Now that you have taken several steps in your job search, 找到你想要的工作的激动人心的部分来了. This course
prepares you on how to answer interview questions. 主题包括各种面试设置的技巧,曲线球提问,计划 &
做好准备,出席面试,用正确的方式推销自己. 完成后,学生将获得知识,在每次面试中都有信心.

Resume Creation

本课程旨在帮助你理解简历的真正目的. Topics include resume formatting, analyzing the needs of
an employer and matching your resume to those needs, 并突出关键字来创建一个令人印象深刻的文档. 学生将有机会运用他们所学到的知识,并对他们所写的内容获得信心.

Grant Seeking to Grant Writing

agencies and private foundations. 撰写一份成功的拨款提案是艺术和科学的结合. It requires basic know-how, content
knowledge, writing proficiency, strong research skills, creativity, organizational ability, patience, and a great deal of luck. This course will


This course teaches you, through lectures, discussions, demonstrations, textbook exercises, and classroom labs, 帮助你准备参加由计算机技术行业协会(CompTIA)管理的网络+认证考试所需的技能和知识. 本课程由注册计算机技术员教授.

Microsoft Office

本课程将向个人介绍MS Word的文字处理, MS PowerPoint for creating computerized presentations, MS Excel for spreadsheets, 数据库管理的MS Access和专业出版物的MS Publisher. Must have memory stick/ flash drive.

Effective Teacher Training

这门24小时在线课程旨在为教师助理和代课老师提供有效教学的原则和实践,并得到北卡罗来纳州公共教学部的认可. 课程侧重于基本的课堂管理技能, childhood development, and instructional techniques.

Google Certification

In this course, 学生将学习数字营销和电子商务的基础知识, 如何通过分析和呈现见解来衡量营销绩效, 如何通过搜索和电子邮件等数字营销渠道吸引和吸引客户, and how to build e-commerce stores, analyze online performance, and grow customer loyalty.

successful African american student

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